Tracking UBE Spending in Kaduna State

NGN 569,579,737.83 (USD 1.5 million) tracked.

Across 23 Projects, in 20 Communities, impacting over 200,000 lives. 1.4 million Media Reach. Needs Assessment across 609 Schools 

The 3-year project involves strengthening the capacity of School Monitoring Teams (SMTs) which consists of Community Based Associations/ Organizations (CBA/Os), School Based Monitoring Committees (SBMCs), Parents Teachers Association (PTA) etc. to conduct high quality tracking of Universal Basic Education (UBE) spending in 70 schools in the state. 

Year 1 focused on 23 primary schools across Jema’a, Kudan, Kajuru and Zango Kataf Local Government Areas (LGA). 

  • Strengthened the capacity of these aforementioned monitoring agents; 
  • Jointly monitored project implementation across 23 schools; 
  • Channeled project implementation findings (three reports) to Kaduna SUBEB (Kad-SUBEB) for redressal; 
  • Enhanced citizens’ engagement in basic education spending in the state through Follow The Money Radio Kaduna and town hall meetings. 

Beneficiaries in the course of project implementation included over 80 of the SMTs and SUBEB/LGEA officials who were directly trained; over 200 community stakeholders who were indirectly trained through step-down trainings by the SMTs and provided with access to relevant project monitoring data; as well as a population estimate of 200,000 we reached in communities where the projects were implemented.

Ultimately, the beneficiaries include pupils and teachers from the selected schools as our activities led to service delivery across 70% of the projects through enhanced public oversight.

Year 2 of the project, CODE organized trainings for Kad-SUBEB on M&E in a bid to strengthen the information sharing collaboration we have with them. -Further trainings for the SBMCs on UBE Intervention Monitoring and Budget Accountability – and capacity building on the SIP Fund Processes to be accessed from Kad-SUBEB.

Year 3 – Conducted a robust school needs assessment in our 4 focal LGAs with the SBMCs which will form a key advocacy tool on subsequent engagements with Kad-SUBEB.

On this, our emphasis now is to make sure that the selection of school projects by Kad-SUBEB annually on its work plan is needs based and informed by those key local actors on the ground.


Connected Development is an initiative that is passionate about empowering marginalised communities.

Comments (03)

  1. 21 September 2022

    Yüz filtrelerini abartan ve komik duruma düşen Hülya Avşar’ın ardından yazarı Cem Ceminay, “Filtrenin Sultanları” başlıklı yazısında Sibel

  2. Haberler Yaşam Haberleri İngilizce çalıştırmak için çağırdığı çocuğu
    taciz eden şahsın cezası belli oldu. Giriş Tarihi:
    Son Güncelleme.

  3. Japon Mutfağı’na ait yemek tarifleri. Tatlı Soğanlı Pilav; Ton Balıklı Pilav (Tuna Takikomi Gohan); Miso Soslu
    Patlıcanlı Et Sote (Miso Nasu); Dorayaki.


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