2023 Annual Report: Echoes of Impact

Communications 14 June 2024 0

It’s been an incredible, exciting, and eventful year for us at Connected Development marked by tremendous growth and impactful achievements. However, we didn’t achieve this alone. It was a collaborative endeavor, made possible by the support and dedication of our donors, partners, stakeholders, and the outstanding CODE team.

Our work in 2023 addressed a number of pressing issues, ranging from the decline in girl-child education to gender-based violence, climate challenges, transparency issues in government and so on. Despite facing significant challenges across these fronts, we emerged victorious, as we always do. Through our work, we were able to reach more people and make a tangible difference in their lives.

Read the full report here.

Girl Child Education Project: Call For Mentors

Communications 26 September 2024 0

Job description 

Girl Child Mentor Volunteer 


Bauchi state (Alkeleri, Bauchi, Ningi, and Zaki)

Job type: Per time 

This is a 3-year contract. 

Reports to  the project manager

Organizational Background

Connected Development [CODE] is Africa’s leading civil society organization whose mission is to empower marginalized communities in Africa. We strengthen local communities by creating platforms for dialogue, enabling informed debate, and building capacities of citizens on how to hold their government accountable through the Follow The Money project. CODE provides marginalized and vulnerable communities with resources to amplify their voices with independence and integrity while providing the communities with information that ushers social and economic progress. To enhance effective democratic governance and accountability, CODE creates platforms [mobile and web technologies] that close the feedback loop between citizens and the government. With global expertise and reach, we focus on community outreach, influencing policies, practices, and knowledge mobilization. 

With support from the Malala Fund, CODE is implementing a three-year Girl-Child Education Project (GEP) in Bauchi State which aims to enhance transparency and accountability in Bauchi State’s education sector by adopting a citizen oversight model. 

As part of the project objectives,  CODE is calling for girl child mentors to empower girls by assigning them to female mentors who will guide them in becoming advocates for girls’ education and help them develop digital, social, and life skills, for three years. The training will be done 16 times a year. 

Responsibilities of the mentor 

  1. Enhanced advocacy for girls’ education by the mentees
  2. Improved digital, social, and life skills among participating girls
  3. Successful implementation of quarterly micro-mini projects
  4. Measurable improvement in girls’ education based on annual assessments
  5. Positive Behavioral Changes: Improved behavior, including greater focus, discipline, and resilience in facing challenges.
  6. Submission  of report on meetings, progress, and projects
  7. Compile an annual assessment report highlighting the program’s impact and areas for improvement.

What you bring to the team 

  1. Experienced female professionals with a background in education, social work, or digital skills
  2. Excellent communication and writing skills
  3. Ability to impact functional skills and knowledge 
  4. The availability and willingness to regularly interact with the mentee
  5. Provide truthful and constructive feedback
  6. Maintain authenticity in actions and values
  7. Reflective in decisions and guidance
  8. Identify and nurture the mentee’s potential, encouraging growth
  9. Maintain a positive attitude towards challenges and opportunities
  10. Establish and nurture strong mentor-mentee relationships
  11. Help set realistic goals and objectives for the mentee’s development
  12. Hold the mentee accountable for progress and tasks
  13. Demonstrate patience in guiding the mentee through their development journey
  14. Understand and respect diverse cultural backgrounds
  15. Demonstrates qualities and behaviors that set a positive example for the mentee
  16. Models a healthy balance between work and personal life

Protecting vulnerable communities from the escalating and recurring climate crisis is an urgent appeal to the Nigerian government and the international community.

Communications 11 September 2024 0

As Nigeria faces yet another wave of devastating floods, with the recent disaster in Maiduguri on September 9th  2024 it has become abundantly clear that the country’s flood management systems are failing to protect our most vulnerable communities.  The cycle of reacting only after a flood occurs, instead of preparing and implementing long-term flood prevention measures, reveals a systemic failure in planning and resource allocation. This catastrophe serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing environmental crises we have consistently raised alarms about through the Community Media Collaboration for Climate Justice (CMCCJ) project and other transparency and accountability initiatives.

We watch as the lives of women, children, and whole families in Maiduguri and elsewhere get turned upside down by this disastrous flooding. We urge immediate and sustained action by the Nigerian government and the international community. Our work in Rivers and Akwa Ibom states, alongside a powerful documentary emphasizing the vulnerability of communities during past environmental disasters, shows without a doubt the need for urgency in action and long-term planning to mitigate these preventable losses. Flooding is a predictable and preventable disaster, yet the focus remains on post-disaster management. This annual tragedy serves as a sobering reminder that there are no geographical limits to the environmental crisis. it is indeed possible to protect lives and livelihoods through proactive engagement, community-driven solutions, and openness in government action. But we must act now before another disaster strikes.

Key Challenges

1. Inadequate Early Warning Systems: The absence of a reliable early warning system in many parts of Nigeria means communities are often caught off guard, despite the likelihood of floods being known well in advance due to seasonal patterns. 

2. Inadequate Flood Prevention and Response Systems: Despite commitments from the government and stakeholders following our documentation of the 2022 floods in Rivers State, effective flood prevention measures remain elusive. Vulnerable populations, especially women, children, and internally displaced persons (IDPs), continue to bear the brunt of these disasters.

3. Lack of Transparency and Accountability: Through our advocacy work, we have tracked funds such as the Climate Change and Ecological Fund, revealing the mismanagement and lack of transparency in disbursements for climate resilience projects. The recent floods only further show that it is imperative that these funds are properly allocated and monitored.

4. Breakdown and/or absence of infrastructure: The continued deficiency in government provision of infrastructure as well as poor maintenance of existing ones like dams that collect excess water has exacerbated the risk of flooding across communities in Nigeria.

5. Neglect of Marginalized Communities: Our work with community based organizations has consistently shown that marginalized groups, particularly women and youth, are the most affected by environmental disasters, yet they are the least consulted in the design and implementation of climate adaptation policies.

Call to Action

We call upon the Nigerian Government and the international community to take swift and decisive action to address the recurring flood crises and the broader climate emergency by adopting the following measures:

​1.​Immediate and Transparent Use of Climate and Ecological Funds: The climate change and ecological funds must be immediately mobilized to support flood relief efforts in Maiduguri and other affected regions. The government should ensure that the funds are utilized transparently, and all disbursements must be tracked and reported to the public.

​2.​Increased Funding for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure: We urge the Nigerian government, along with international partners, to prioritize the development of climate-resilient infrastructure in flood-prone areas. This includes the construction of dams, maintenance and expansion of existing dams, improved drainage systems, and sustainable housing for communities at risk of displacement.

​3.​Community-Led Solutions and Empowerment: Local communities, especially women and youth, should be empowered and supported to lead climate resilience efforts. This can be achieved through capacity building programs, the establishment of Community Reading Centers (CRCs) for awareness on environmental protection, and the mobilization of community based organizations to monitor government action on flood prevention.

​4.​International Support and Solidarity: We call on the international community to step in with both financial and technical support to address Nigeria’s climate/environmental challenges. Given the scale of devastation, international aid agencies and global climate funds should focus on flood relief and long-term climate adaptation strategies in Nigeria.

​5.​Holding Stakeholders Accountable: All levels of government, including local and state authorities, as well as corporations operating in flood-affected areas, must be held accountable for their role in exacerbating environmental vulnerabilities. This includes companies like Shell Plc, whose operations have contributed to environmental degradation in the South-South region as well as officials of the government found culpable of not maintaining the Alau dam  in Borno state as the Federal government through the Federal Ministry of Water Resources and Sanitation on October 12th 2023, committed to rehabilitating the collapsed 112 million reservoir capacity of the Dam in the state There is also a 78,210,989 Million Naira earmarked for Dam Safety Monitoring and another 159,403,663 Million Naira for Dams and Reservoir Operations Surveillance programme among others in the 2024 Federal Ministry of Water Resources’ budget. How has this been utilised?

The moment is now for immediate action! With the latest floods sweeping across Maiduguri, we are witnessing once again, the failure to adequately prepare for and respond to these climate disasters. While we applaud NEMA’s efforts to collaborate closely with state emergency management agencies and other relevant stakeholders through the National Emergency Operations Centre located in the Agency’s headquarters to ensure that necessary support, including rescue and relief operations, is available to affected communities. These steps are insufficient in the absence of long-term, inclusive solutions that prioritise the well-being of those affected.

CODE stands by the communities we have worked with in Rivers and Akwa Ibom States and extends our support to those currently suffering in Maiduguri. It is time for the Nigerian government and the international community to commit to lasting change and ensure that the voices of the most vulnerable are heard and their lives protected.

Transforming Education in Bauchi: CODE’s GEP-BAUCHI Initiative

Communications 26 August 2024 0

Connected Development (CODE) is implementing the Girl Child Education Project (GEP), sponsored by the Malala Fund, to revolutionize girls’ education in Bauchi State, Nigeria. This project aims to tackle the persistent challenges that have hindered girls’ access to quality education, including high dropout rates, inadequate infrastructure, and a lack of qualified teachers.

One of the key objectives of the GEP is to strengthen collaborations between the government and citizens to implement a transparent and accountable management approach for the State Education Accounts (SEA). The SEA provides a snapshot of education expenditures from public, private, and donor sources, and CODE seeks to make this process more citizen-driven.

By adopting the FollowTheMoney model, CODE empowers citizens to provide oversight functions on government expenditure, ensuring that funds are allocated and utilized effectively. This collaborative approach not only enhances transparency but also builds trust between the government and the people.


Addressing Barriers to Girls’ Education

Another crucial aspect of the GEP is its focus on addressing traditional and societal barriers that hinder girls’ access to education. The project aims to enhance enrollment, retention, completion, and transition rates for girls in secondary education by applying a gender-responsive education framework.

CODE recognizes that traditional practices and societal attitudes can significantly impact girls’ educational outcomes. The GEP seeks to create an environment that supports and encourages girls to pursue their educational aspirations by engaging with key stakeholders and fostering gender-inclusive practices.


Aligning with Gender-Responsive Education Sector Planning
To ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of its efforts, the GEP aligns with Bauchi state’s Gender-Responsive Education Sector Planning and Budgeting. This approach involves key stakeholders in decision-making and ensures that gender-responsive strategies are integrated into the education system.

By aligning with this framework, GEP-BAUCHI aims to create a more inclusive and equitable education system that addresses the specific needs and challenges faced by girls in Bauchi State.

Expected Outcomes

Through the GEP, CODE expects to achieve the following outcomes:

1. Increased transparency and accountability in the education sector through citizen-driven oversight.

2. Improved accessibility, retention, and completion of 12 years of free, quality education for girls in Bauchi State.

3. Enhanced collaboration between the government and citizens in the management of education resources.

4. Adoption of gender-responsive education policies and practices that support girls’ education.

The GEP represents a significant step forward in the fight for girls’ education in Bauchi State. By fostering collaboration, enhancing accountability, and addressing societal barriers, CODE aims to create a more equitable and inclusive education system that empowers girls to reach their full potential. Through sustained efforts and the commitment of all stakeholders, the GEP has the potential to transform the educational landscape in Bauchi State and serve as a model for other states in Nigeria.

Civic Space Survey: Governance and Leadership in Nigeria and Uganda

Communications 22 August 2024 0

Connected Development (CODE), in collaboration with Magamba Network, is spearheading a campaign to evaluate civic space in Nigeria and Uganda, focusing on its implications for parliamentary engagement. This initiative aims to bolster citizen participation and awareness regarding democratic processes in both countries. To facilitate this, CODE has developed a Civic Space Assessment Survey designed to identify specific challenges within civic spaces in Nigeria and Uganda.

The survey is intended to serve as a vital resource for raising awareness about the obstacles to maintaining a transparent and accountable democratic system. By gathering insights from citizens, the project seeks to bridge the gap between the populace and state actors, fostering an environment conducive to civic engagement.

The information collected through this survey will remain confidential, ensuring that responses are used solely for research purposes without linking them to individual participants. This approach underscores CODE’s commitment to protecting the privacy of respondents while striving to enhance democratic participation in the region.

Through this campaign, CODE and Magamba Network aim to empower citizens, encouraging them to take an active role in shaping their governance and advocating for their rights within the civic space.


Communications 15 August 2024 0

JUNE 21, 2024


The 21st International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) 2024, themed “Confronting Global Threats: Standing Up for Integrity” hosted in Vilnius, Lithuania from 18-21 June, brought together civil society activists, journalists, academia, development organizations, world leaders, thought leaders, business leaders, and change agents from more than 140 countries to discuss crucial corruption-related issues and devise strategies for promoting integrity on a global scale. 

Having participated in discussions on various thematic issues at the Conference, such as Strengthening the UNCAC’s Monitoring Mechanism to Increase Accountability & Promote Civic Space; Cutting off the Flow: Tackling Strategic Corruption in Political Finance; The Imperative of Inclusion: Marginalized Communities in The Fight against Corruption; Safeguarding Our Planet: Tackling Corruption in Climate Action, among others, we, the Nigerian delegates at the conference note the following disturbing trends in Nigeria.


  1. 1. That it is evident that corruption in Nigeria has garnered international attention, as Nigeria was frequently used as a case study during the sessions at IACC.
  2. 2. That despite the tireless efforts of civil society and anti-corruption agencies, Nigeria continues to grapple with rampant corruption in public sectors.
  3. 3. That there is a disconcerting worry among the public regarding judicial corruption, a concern that has been further exacerbated by the frequent issuance of contradictory orders from courts. This growing unease stems from the perception that some judges may be susceptible to external influences, compromising the integrity and impartiality of the judicial system.
  4. 4. That the lack of transparency and accountability in Nigeria’s security spending has resulted in minimal progress in ensuring the safety and security of its citizens. This is further exacerbated by the misuse of funds by civilian and military officials, perpetuating corruption.
  5. 5. That there is pervasive gender inequality and social exclusion in the country, which has deepened corruption. 
  6. 6. That despite the government’s professed commitment to combat corruption, there is still unwarranted political interference in the operations of national and subnational anti-corruption agencies.
  7. 7. That the government’s economic policies, such as the removal of fuel subsidy and the depreciation of the Naira, have widened the gap between the rich and the poor, plunging millions of Nigerians into extreme poverty.
  8. 8. That one of the critical components of anti-corruption efforts, such as whistleblowers, lack adequate support and protection from the government.
  9. 9. That despite the existence of public procurement laws in Nigeria, contract awards and licensing processes remain veiled in secrecy, deviating from the prescribed standards of open contracting.
  10. 10. That although democracy should safeguard the civic space and those operating within it, journalists, anti-corruption activists, and CSOs face incessant attacks from both state and non-state actors, hindering the participation of crucial stakeholders in Nigeria’s socio-political development.
  11. 11. That there is a complete disregard for the Asset Declaration law and institutions in Nigeria. Despite the government and CSOs’ efforts to recover assets, mismanagement of these assets persists, and the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) 2022 remains non-operational.
  12. 12. That the absence of CSO fighting coalitions in the nation has led to a situation where both the general public and political office holders disregard the principles of due process and the rule of law.


In light of the aforementioned observations, we hereby make the following resolutions:

1. The Need for Collective Action:

  • – To activate and mobilize the existing democratic coalitions in the country to collectively combat corruption.
  • – To reaffirm our commitment to fighting corruption by providing necessary assistance to all stakeholders in addressing corruption within their respective domains. 
  • – To collaborate with the private sector, professional bodies, organized labour, and the media to amplify discussions on corruption, ensuring that every voice is heard and valued, regardless of gender, region, or affiliation.

2. Dedication of Stakeholders:

  • – To support and collaborate with key stakeholders to foster an environment of integrity and accountability.
  • – To utilize the media and other social platforms to raise awareness about corruption issues and promote transparency in governance.
  • – To provide resources and expertise to support reforms and enhance regulatory frameworks, ensuring their effective implementation.
  • – To encourage compliance by urging both large and small, multinational and local organisations to conduct their affairs with integrity, without favouritism or undue influence.
  1. The Impact of Corruption
  1. – Collaborating with organised labour, professional organisations, and key stakeholders to tackle the economic challenges and widespread poverty experienced by Nigerians affected by the extensive corruption in the nation. 
  2. – Engaging with relevant stakeholders to address the disparities perpetuated by corruption, which deprive citizens of their fundamental rights and opportunities.
  1. Collective Resolve
  • – Implementing Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) as a strategy to guarantee inclusivity for all.
  • – Standing united in shaping a future where transparency and accountability are standard practices, not rare occurrences, in Nigeria.

Recommendations/Call to Action:

  1. – We urge the President, Governors, Legislators, and other elected and appointed state officials to set a positive example and guarantee the transparent and accountable implementation of all regulatory frameworks, including the National Anti-Corruption Strategy.
  2. – We call on public officials to maintain the utmost integrity, fostering a culture of accountability, gender equality, and social inclusion at every level of government.
  3. – We urge government entities at all levels to create and adopt a comprehensive implementation framework for the national anti-corruption strategy.
  4. – We insist on transparency in the utilization of security vote funds, allowing civil society and the public to scrutinize the spending mechanism. This will ensure that the safety and security of citizens are adequately addressed.
  5. – We call on law enforcement agencies, the judiciary, and the Federal and State Ministries of Justice to fulfil their responsibilities by strictly enforcing anti-corruption laws and promptly apprehending and prosecuting those involved in illicit financial crimes.
  6. – We demand the safeguarding of the civic space and the protection and security of civic actors, including citizen monitors, whistleblowers, and journalists, in their work and advocacy against corruption.
  7. – We call all Nigerians to join us in this crucial moment as we strive for a brighter, more equitable, and prosperous Nigeria.

Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!


  1. Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC)
  2. African Centre for Media & Information Literacy (AFRICMIL)
  3. Resource Centre for Human Rights & Civic Education (CHRICED)
  4. HEDA Resource Centre
  5. Connected Development (CODE) 
  6. Public and Private Development Centre (PPDC)
  7. Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD)
  8. Center for Fiscal Transparency and Integrity Watch
  9. Palace of Priests Assembly (PPA)


Communications 14 August 2024 0

Job Description

Assistant Research Officer 

Location: Abuja

Job Type: Full Time

Education:  MA/MSc/MBA

This is a one-year contract with a possibility of renewal

Reports To: Head of Research

Deadline: 20th August 2024 

Organizational Background

Connected Development [CODE] is Africa’s leading civil society organization whose mission is to empower marginalized communities in Africa. We strengthen local communities by creating platforms for dialogue, enabling informed debate, and building capacities of citizens on how to hold their government accountable through the Follow The Money project. CODE provides marginalized and vulnerable communities with resources to amplify their voices with independence and integrity while providing the communities with information that ushers social and economic progress. To enhance effective democratic governance and accountability, CODE creates platforms [mobile and web technologies] that close the feedback loop between citizens and the government. With global expertise and reach, we focus on community outreach, influencing policies, practices, and knowledge mobilization. 

Your Role…

The Assistant research officer will support the research unit of Connected Development (CODE) by contributing to the design, implementation, monitoring and communicating research objectives and results..  

The Assistant research officer will:

Conduct research that will lead into the development of high quality reports, policy briefs, op-eds, inform grant applications, and academic articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Disseminate results in advocacy meetings, stakeholder engagements, national and international conferences, and pitches to local and international donors. 

Participate in and contribute to CODE’s research activities across her project brands and support external engagements with CODE’s partners.

We expect the candidate to have firm grasp of research which aims towards enhancing the understanding, determinants and consequences of various forms of socio-economic inequalities. We are particularly -although not exclusively – interested in candidates with experience in innovative research focused on the impact of policy interventions on different areas, e.g. welfare of vulnerable and marginalized communities, governance and service delivery, economic security, discrimination, global development practices/objectives. Research might exploit large-scale, comparative micro-data sources (but we also embark on ethnographic studies leading to the collection and analysis of on-field data) to develop proposals exploring simulation and AI-based models or innovative data collection approaches.

What we expect from you…

Bachelor degree in social sciences discipline (economics, sociology, political science or a related field).

Having a Master degree with experience of publications in peer-reviewed journals, op-eds will be an added advantage. 

Excellent skills in (and a taste for) qualitative and quantitative research. 

Experience in research collaboration between academics and practitioners, NGOs, local organizations, and civil society organizations

Capacity to combine creativity and rigor.

Excellent writing skills

Knowledge and experience in research methods, tools, and ethics.

Knowledge and proficiency in using qualitative and quantitative data analysis and visualization tools (e.g. Nivio, MaxQDA, EViews, R, Python). 

Ability to work autonomously within an interdisciplinary team

Organizational and time management skills. Ability to prioritize tasks while meeting deadlines

Self motivated, initiative skills, and proactively. 

How to apply:

Complete online form and attach the following:

Letter of motivation

Curriculum vitae

Any additional materials that may be deemed relevant by the applicant (e.g. a manuscript, a publication, policy brief, an op-ed with links to sources). 

Call for State Support Officers in Imo and Rivers State

Titus Tukurah 16 July 2024 0

Position: State Support Officer (SSO)

Location: Imo and Rivers State

Project: Power of Voices Partnership (PVP) Project


Connected Development (CODE), is on the lookout for dedicated and dynamic individuals to join our team as State Support Officers (SSOs) for the Power of Voices Partnership (PVP) Project in Imo and Rivers State. This project aims to empower Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and community stakeholders to enhance transparent governance, particularly in regions rich in oil resources with support from OXFAM Nigeria. 


  1. A degree in Social Sciences, Development Studies, Project Management, or a related field
  2. Minimum of 1 year of experience in community development, project management, or a related role.
  3. Experience working with students and teachers.
  4. Strong understanding of governance issues and civil society dynamics in Nigeria.
  5. Excellent communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills.
  6. Ability to work with little or no supervision
  7. Proficiency in Google Suite and other relevant software.
  8. Fluency in English and the local language(s) of the state.

Roles and Responsibilities of State Support Officer: 

  1. Organize and lead community meetings, workshops, and sensitization sessions to promote project objectives. 
  2. Oversee the implementation of project activities at the state level in alignment with the project’s goals and timelines. 
  3. Prepare and submit reports on project activities, progress, and impact to the project lead 
  4. Promote awareness of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and its adoption in the state.
  5. Provide guidance and support to the patrons and matrons of the civic clubs, ensuring they have the necessary resources and materials to function effectively.
  6. Foster strong relationships with local government officials, traditional leaders, and other key stakeholders
  7. Performs any other duties as requested by the Project Lead.


Communications 12 July 2024 0

Deadline: 25 July 2024

Job Description

Monitoring and Evaluation Expert

Location: Abuja

Job Type: Full Time

Education: MA/MSc/MBA

This position is reserved for only women

This is a one-year contract with a possibility of renewal

Reports To: TPM Project Lead and Technical Manager

Organizational Background

Connected Development [CODE] is Africa’s leading civil society organization whose mission is to empower marginalized communities in Africa. We strengthen local communities by creating platforms for dialogue, enabling informed debate, and building capacities of citizens on how to hold their government accountable through the Follow The Money project. CODE provides marginalized and vulnerable communities with resources to amplify their voices with independence and integrity while providing the communities with information that ushers social and economic progress. To enhance effective democratic governance and accountability, CODE creates platforms [mobile and web technologies] that close the feedback loop between citizens and the government. With global expertise and reach, we focus on community outreach, influencing policies, practices, and knowledge mobilization. 

About AGILE Project Third-Party Monitoring (TPM)

The Adolescent Girls Initiative for Learning and Empowerment (AGILE) project was created against the backdrop of constraints of accessing and completing secondary education facing adolescent girls in Nigeria, as well as disparities in the education that boys and girls receive; low female adult literacy rate; and poor exposure of girls to economic empowerment opportunities. The AGILE project aims to lay the foundation for a long-term engagement on adolescent girls’ education and empowerment. The project is funded by the World Bank and implemented through the Federal Ministry of Education (FME), under the Ministry’s National Project Coordinating Unit (NPCU). The project provides a holistic approach to improving equitable access to quality education for adolescent girls through improving school infrastructure, providing conditional cash transfers to low-income households, combating social norms that inhibit girls from attending school, and empowering girls with life, digital and economic empowerment skills. AGILE is implemented across a total number of seventeen states, including the parent states: Borno, Ekiti, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, and Plateau.

CODE has been re-engaged by the NPCU to provide third-party monitoring (TPM) services for the AGILE project. The objective of the TPM is to provide necessary monitoring services and verify the completion of works and services executed across the seven parent states of the AGILE project. The TPM is utilitarian in providing independent perspective on project performance while augmenting existing monitoring capacities of the NPCU and State Project Implementation Units (SPIU).

Therefore, CODE is calling for an M&E Expert for the AGILE TPM who will join the team to carry out the following responsibilities below.

She will be responsible for assisting the project TPM team to design, coordinate and implement robust monitoring and verification measures for qualitative and quantitative evidence gathering that inform project performance in Abuja.


  • Provide technical assistance in the design and implementation of AGILE TPM monitoring  and verification systems.
  • Assist in supervising data collection by state teams during monthly TPM or bi-annual verification of completed works and services, quality assuring data collected by state teams, as well as in reviewing monthly reports submitted by state leads.
  • Assist in quantitative and qualitative data analysis of TPM monthly or bi-annual findings when required.
  • Assist the project lead in developing monthly, quarterly, bi-annual and annual monitoring and verification reports.
  • Identify key findings in reports, challenges, lessons learned and recommendations to mitigate project implementation deficiencies, as well as prepare summary presentations for the monthly NPCU meetings, and during World Bank missions.
  • Attend key meetings at the NPCU and World Bank and make technical presentations on TPM findings when required.
  • Assist the project lead in developing or reviewing monitoring and verification checklists and data collection tools for state teams to improve measurements and objectivity in field visits.
  • Provide technical and strategic leadership on a wide range of technical areas in monitoring and evaluation in the AGILE project; identify emerging M&E approaches, methods and tools that can be internalized in the TPM.
  • Assist the project lead in providing technical support and building the capacity of state teams on TPM approaches, strategies and on data collection.
  • Assist in ensuring the Monitoring Information System (MIS) is up to date and performs optimally.
  • Participate in quarterly and annual HQ site visits to AGILE parent states and focal schools and communities.
  • Support follow-up, tracking, and reporting on project-level monitoring and verification recommendations.
  • Undertake any other responsibilities assigned by the project lead.

Must possess the following requirements:

  • Master’s degree (or higher) in education, development studies, international development, social sciences, or related field.
  • Online/offline course in Monitoring and Evaluation.
  • Minimum of 5 years experience in performing M&E functions in local or international NGOs.
  • Experience in girls’ education and empowerment programming projects (preferably).
  • Proven expertise in quantitative and qualitative methodologies, data analysis, and report writing. 
  • Strong technical and analytical skills, including the ability to analyze qualitative and quantitative data using one or more statistical software packages (e.g., SPSS, MS Excel, Stata). 
  • Excellent analytical and presentation skills coupled with proven ability to display data as appropriate for different audiences.  
  • Excellent diplomacy skills and a proven ability to establish and maintain interpersonal and professional relationships with program partners, and representatives from other key stakeholders.


  • Ability to coach, mentor, and develop the capacity of state support MEL staff.
  • Excellent skills in facilitation, team building, strategic thinking, and coordination.
  • Excellent communication and writing skills, as well as negotiation and management skills. 
  • Proven ability to prioritize, plan, multi-task, work independently, organize workflow to tight timeframes, and maintain professional flexibility and adaptability. 
  • A demonstrated commitment to high professional ethical standards and a diverse workplace.
  • Fluency in English.  


  • Able to work and travel within AGILE parent states and focal schools and communities.


Interested candidates should fill out the form provided in the link below. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Only women are advised to apply.


Communications 11 July 2024 0

DEADLINE: 19th July 2024

Job Description
Monitoring and Evaluation Support Officer 

Locations: Borno, Ekiti, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Plateau States

Reports to: Project Lead

Organizational Background

Connected Development [CODE] is Africa’s leading civil society organization whose mission is to empower marginalized communities in Africa. We strengthen local communities by creating platforms for dialogue, enabling informed debate, and building capacities of citizens on how to hold their government accountable through the Follow The Money project. CODE provides marginalized and vulnerable communities with resources to amplify their voices with independence and integrity while providing the communities with information that ushers social and economic progress. To enhance effective democratic governance and accountability, CODE creates platforms [mobile and web technologies] that close the feedback loop between citizens and the government. With global expertise and reach, we focus on community outreach, influencing policies, practices, and knowledge mobilization. 

About AGILE Project Third-Party Monitoring (TPM)

The Adolescent Girls Initiative for Learning and Empowerment (AGILE) project was created against the backdrop of constraints of accessing and completing secondary education facing adolescent girls in Nigeria, as well as the disparities in the education that boys and girls receive; low female adult literacy rate; and poor exposure of girls to economic empowerment opportunities. The AGILE project aims to lay the foundation for a long-term engagement on adolescent girls’ education and empowerment. The project is funded by the World Bank and implemented through the Federal Ministry of Education (FME), under the Ministry’s National Project Coordinating Unit (NPCU). The project provides a holistic approach to improving equitable access to quality education for adolescent girls through improving school infrastructure, providing conditional cash transfers to low-income households, combating social norms that inhibit girls from attending school, and empowering girls with life, digital and economic empowerment skills. AGILE is implemented across a total number of seventeen states, including the parent states: Borno, Ekiti, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, and Plateau.

CODE has been re-engaged by the NPCU to provide third-party monitoring (TPM) services for the AGILE project. The objective of the TPM is to provide necessary monitoring services and verify the completion of works and services executed across the seven parent states of the AGILE project. The TPM is utilitarian in providing an independent perspective on project performance while augmenting existing monitoring capacities of the NPCU and State Project Implementation Units (SPIU).

Therefore, CODE is calling for a State M&E Support Officer for the AGILE Project who will join the team to carry out the following responsibilities:

S/he will be responsible for assisting the project TPM team to design, coordinate and implement robust monitoring and verification measures for qualitative and quantitative evidence gathering that inform project performance in either of the following states: Borno, Ekiti, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, and Plateau.

Specific duties:

  • Liaise with the SPIUs to access data on AGILE focal schools by subcomponents in your state for monthly, quarterly and bi-annual TPM monitoring and verification.
  • Conduct monthly TPM through data collection from stakeholders and field observation/monitoring across AGILE focal communities/schools in your state using relevant data collection instruments.
  • Prepare monthly TPM and project reports, and prepare presentations when required.
  • Post real-time information on TPM monthly, quarterly and bi-annual visits on the Management Information System.
  • Conduct bi-annual TPM verification exercise through data collection from stakeholders and field observation/monitoring across sampled schools/communities in your state, across AGILE subcomponents.
  • Support TPM monthly harmonized states reporting, quarterly project reporting and bi-annual reporting; as well as bi-annual and final client verification reporting.
  • Support the HQ project team during training for SPIUs and NPCUs.
  • Provide all the necessary support to the TPM civil engineer in your state.
  • Attend all relevant AGILE project meetings in your state or in Abuja.
  • Perform other duties as may be assigned by the TPM project lead or technical manager

Skills & Qualities  

  • Minimum of three (3) years of professional experience in an M&E position. 
  • Have a BSc/BA degree or HND degree.
  • Experience in data collection from diverse stakeholders, analysis and reporting writing.
  • Experience in using data collection instruments; and good knowledge of safeguarding procedures, do no harm, and research ethics during data collection.
  • Experience in working in communities, and stakeholder management.
  • Advocacy, interpersonal and communication skills (both written and verbal).
  • Fluency in English.
  • An ego-free attitude when it comes to taking constructive feedback and implementing such.
  • Ability to work methodically and meet deadlines.
  • Positive, flexible, solution-oriented, and excited to work with a diverse team of professionals working toward a common goal.
  • Resident in the applicable state.

Method of Application:

Interested candidates should fill out the form provided in the link below. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Women are strongly advised to apply.

Interested candidates should send 

Inter-Faith Dialogue on Climate Change

Communications 1 July 2024 0

This policy brief is based on the work of Connected Development (CODE) concerning climate justice and interactions with different communities, including religious groups, government, and civil society organizations (CSOs) engaged in climate action in Nigeria. It comprehensively analyzes an approach to effective communication in climate messaging and how the pertinent issues here are often associated with faith. Accordingly, the brief sets forth a new approach towards climate communication and messaging within the context of religion to enable greater effectiveness and outreach, as well as to improve vulnerable groups’ understanding of climate science and its attendant effect on their everyday lives.

See the full document here